
Compute set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the specified {@code ctx}.

<p>If {@code ctx} is {@code null} and the end of the rule containing {@code s} is reached, {@link Token#EPSILON} is added to the result set. If {@code ctx} is not {@code null} and the end of the outermost rule is reached, {@link Token#EOF} is added to the result set.</p>

@param s the ATN state @param stopState the ATN state to stop at. This can be a {@link BlockEndState} to detect epsilon paths through a closure. @param ctx the complete parser context, or {@code null} if the context should be ignored

@return The set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the specified {@code ctx}.

  1. IntervalSet LOOK(ATNState s, RuleContext ctx)
  2. IntervalSet LOOK(ATNState s, ATNState stopState, RuleContext ctx)
