module antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeProperty;

import antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;

 * Associate a property with a parse tree node.

 * Useful with parse tree listeners that need to associate values with
 * particular tree nodes, kind of like specifying a return value for
 * the listener event method that visited a particular node. Example:
 * <pre>
 * ParseTreeProperty&lt;Integer&gt; values = new ParseTreeProperty&lt;Integer&gt;();
 * values.put(tree, 36);
 * int x = values.get(tree);
 * values.removeFrom(tree);
 * </pre>
 * You would make one decl (values here) in the listener and use lots of times
 * in your event methods.
class ParseTreeProperty(V)
    public V[ParseTree*] annotations;

    public V get(ParseTree node)
        return annotations.get(cast(ParseTree*) node, V.init);

    public void put(ParseTree node, V value)
        annotations[cast(ParseTree*) node] = value;

    public V removeFrom(ParseTree node)
        if (auto value = cast(ParseTree*) node in annotations)
            return *value;
        return V.init;