1 // Generated from doc/examples/simple_expression/Expr.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.22 moduleExprVisitor;
3 4 importantlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;
5 importExprParser : ExprParser;
6 importstd.variant : Variant;
7 8 /**
9 * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
10 * by {@link ExprParser}.
11 *
12 * @param Variant The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link void} for
13 * operations with no return type.
14 */15 publicinterfaceExprVisitor : ParseTreeVisitor {
16 /**
17 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ExprParser#prog}.
18 * @param ctx the parse tree
19 * @return the visitor result
20 */21 publicVariantvisitProg(ExprParser.ProgContextctx);
22 /**
23 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code Div}
24 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
25 * @param ctx the parse tree
26 * @return the visitor result
27 */28 publicVariantvisitDiv(ExprParser.DivContextctx);
29 /**
30 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code Add}
31 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
32 * @param ctx the parse tree
33 * @return the visitor result
34 */35 publicVariantvisitAdd(ExprParser.AddContextctx);
36 /**
37 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code Sub}
38 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
39 * @param ctx the parse tree
40 * @return the visitor result
41 */42 publicVariantvisitSub(ExprParser.SubContextctx);
43 /**
44 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code Mul}
45 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
46 * @param ctx the parse tree
47 * @return the visitor result
48 */49 publicVariantvisitMul(ExprParser.MulContextctx);
50 /**
51 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code BracketExpr}
52 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
53 * @param ctx the parse tree
54 * @return the visitor result
55 */56 publicVariantvisitBracketExpr(ExprParser.BracketExprContextctx);
57 /**
58 * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code Int}
59 * labeled alternative in {@link ExprParser#expr}.
60 * @param ctx the parse tree
61 * @return the visitor result
62 */63 publicVariantvisitInt(ExprParser.IntContextctx);
64 }