module antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.TextChunk;

import antlr.v4.runtime.IllegalArgumentException;
import antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.Chunk;

// Class TextChunk
 * @uml
 * Represents a span of raw text (concrete syntax) between tags in a tree
 * pattern string.
class TextChunk : Chunk

    private string text;

     * @uml
     * Constructs a new instance of {@link TextChunk} with the specified text.
    public this(string text)
        if (text is null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null");
        this.text = text;

     * @uml
     * Gets the raw text of this chunk.
    public string getText()
        return text;

     * @uml
     * <p>The implementation for {@link TextChunk} returns the result of
     * {@link #getText()} in single quotes.</p>
     * @override
    public override string toString()
        return "'" ~ text ~ "'";
