1 module ruleTranslator;
3 import RuleTranslatorLexer;
4 import RuleTranslatorParser : RuleTranslatorParser;
5 import RuleTranslatorBaseListener : RuleTranslatorBaseListener;
6 import RuleWriter: RuleWriter;
7 import IBAListener;
8 import TTSListener;
9 import antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
10 import antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken;
11 import antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
12 import antlr.v4.runtime.LexerNoViableAltException;
13 import antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker;
14 import std.getopt;
15 import std.path;
16 import std.stdio;
17 import std..string;
19 string outputDir;
20 bool verbose;
21 string withPropertyName = "this";
22 string arguments;
23 enum Version {tts, iba};
24 Version grammar_version;
26 int main(string[] argv) {
27     auto helpInformation = getopt(
28                                   argv,
29                                   "dsl-type|d", "DSL source type: tts (default) or iba", &grammar_version,
30                                   "with|w", "the with (main) property", &withPropertyName,
31                                   "arguments|a", "string of rule arguments", &arguments,
32                                   "od", "Output directory name, otherwise print to standard output", &outputDir,
33                                   "verbose|v", &verbose
34                                   );
36     if (helpInformation.helpWanted)
37         {
38             defaultGetoptPrinter("Combined Announcement-DSL to IBA-XML/Text-to-speech translator.\n",
39                                  helpInformation.options);
40             return 0;
41         }
42     if (argv.length > 1) {
43         bool parserFailed = false;
45         foreach(filename; argv[1..$])
46             {
47                 if(verbose)
48                     {
49                         writefln("\nProcessing: %s as %s", filename, grammar_version);
50                     }
51                 auto antlrInput = new ANTLRInputStream(File(filename, "r"));
52                 auto lexer = new RuleTranslatorLexer(antlrInput);
53                 auto cts = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
55                 // Pass the tokens to the parser
56                 auto parser = new RuleTranslatorParser(cts);
57                 if(verbose) {
58                     writefln("\tNumber of on channel tokens \t= %s.\n", cts.getNumberOfOnChannelTokens);
59                     writefln("\ttokens:");
60                     foreach(t; cts.getTokens)
61                         writefln("\t\t%s", t);
62                 }
64                 // Specify our entry point
65                 auto rootContext = parser.file_input;
67                 if(!parser.getNumberOfSyntaxErrors)
68                     {
69                         // No syntax errors
70                         auto base = baseName(filename);
71                         auto outputName = base[0..lastIndexOf(base, '.')+1] ~ "d";
72                         if (grammar_version == Version.iba) {
73                             auto baseListener = new IBAListener;
74                             auto writer = new RuleWriter;
75                             if(outputDir)
76                                 {
77                                     writer.setOutputPath(outputDir);
78                                 }
79                             writer.setOutputFilename(outputName);
80                             baseListener.writer = writer;
82                             auto walker = new ParseTreeWalker;
83                             walker.walk(baseListener, rootContext);
84                         }
85                         else {
86                             auto baseListener = new TTSListener;
87                             auto writer = new RuleWriter;
88                             if(outputDir)
89                                 {
90                                     writer.setOutputPath(outputDir);
91                                 }
92                             writer.setOutputFilename(outputName);
93                             baseListener.writer = writer;
94                             baseListener.withPropertyName = withPropertyName;
95                             baseListener.arguments = arguments;
97                             auto walker = new ParseTreeWalker;
98                             walker.walk(baseListener, rootContext);
99                         }
100                     }
101                 else
102                     {
103                         writefln("\t%s syntax errors", parser.getNumberOfSyntaxErrors);
104                         parserFailed = true;
105                     }
106             }
107         return parserFailed ? 1 : 0;
108     }
109     else {
110         stderr.writeln("Error: missing DSL source");
111         defaultGetoptPrinter("\nCommand line options", helpInformation.options);
112         return 1;
113     }
114 }