
@uml Return all nodes matching a rule or token tag with the specified label. * <p>If the {@code label} is the name of a parser rule or token in the grammar, the resulting list will contain both the parse trees matching rule or tags explicitly labeled with the label and the complete set of parse trees matching the labeled and unlabeled tags in the pattern for the parser rule or token. For example, if {@code label} is {@code "foo"}, the result will contain <em>all</em> of the following.</p>

<ul> <li>Parse tree nodes matching tags of the form {@code <foo:anyRuleName>} and {@code <foo:AnyTokenName>}.</li> <li>Parse tree nodes matching tags of the form {@code <anyLabel:foo>}.</li> <li>Parse tree nodes matching tags of the form {@code <foo>}.</li> </ul>

@param label The label.

@return A collection of all {@link ParseTree} nodes matching tags with the specified {@code label}. If no nodes matched the label, an empty list is returned.

class ParseTreeMatch
string label
