Set the input cursor to the position indicated by {@code index}. If the specified index lies past the end of the stream, the operation behaves as though {@code index} was the index of the EOF symbol. After this method returns without throwing an exception, then at least one of the following will be true.

<ul> <li>{@link #index index()} will return the index of the first symbol appearing at or after the specified {@code index}. Specifically, implementations which filter their sources should automatically adjust {@code index} forward the minimum amount required for the operation to target a non-ignored symbol.</li> <li>{@code LA(1)} returns {@link #EOF}</li> </ul>

This operation is guaranteed to not throw an exception if {@code index} lies within a marked region. For more information on marked regions, see {@link #mark}. The behavior of this method is unspecified if no call to an {@link IntStream initializing method} has occurred after this stream was constructed.

@param index The absolute index to seek to.

@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code index} is less than 0 @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the stream does not support

interface IntStream
int index
