
A compile-time constant containing the current version of the ANTLR 4 runtime library.

<p> This compile-time constant value allows generated parsers and other libraries to include a literal reference to the version of the ANTLR 4 runtime library the code was compiled against. At each release, we change this value.</p>

<p>Version numbers are assumed to have the form


with the individual components defined as follows.</p>

<ul> <li><em>major</em> is a required non-negative integer, and is equal to {@code 4} for ANTLR 4.</li> <li><em>minor</em> is a required non-negative integer.</li> <li><em>patch</em> is an optional non-negative integer. When <em>patch</em> is omitted, the {@code .} (dot) appearing before it is also omitted.</li> <li><em>revision</em> is an optional non-negative integer, and may only be included when <em>patch</em> is also included. When <em>revision</em> is omitted, the {@code .} (dot) appearing before it is also omitted.</li> <li><em>suffix</em> is an optional string. When <em>suffix</em> is omitted, the {@code -} (hyphen-minus) appearing before it is also omitted.</li> </ul> @read

class RuntimeMetaData
static immutable
string VERSION;
