The configuration set containing additional information relevant to the prediction state when the current event occurred, or {@code null} if no additional information is relevant or available.
The invoked decision number which this event is related to.
{@code true} if the current event occurred during LL prediction; otherwise, {@code false} if the input occurred during SLL prediction.
The input token stream which is being parsed.
This is the base class for gathering detailed information about prediction events which occur during parsing.
Note that we could record the parser call stack at the time this event occurred but in the presence of left recursive rules, the stack is kind of meaningless. It's better to look at the individual configurations for their individual stacks. Of course that is a {@link PredictionContext} object not a parse tree node and so it does not have information about the extent (start...stop) of the various subtrees. Examining the stack tops of all configurations provide the return states for the rule invocations. From there you can get the enclosing rule.