
@uml Creates a {@link LexerActionExecutor} which encodes the current offset for position-dependent lexer actions.

<p>Normally, when the executor encounters lexer actions where {@link LexerAction#isPositionDependent} returns {@code true}, it calls {@link IntStream#seek} on the input {@link CharStream} to set the input position to the <em>end</em> of the current token. This behavior provides for efficient DFA representation of lexer actions which appear at the end of a lexer rule, even when the lexer rule matches a variable number of characters.</p>

<p>Prior to traversing a match transition in the ATN, the current offset from the token start index is assigned to all position-dependent lexer actions which have not already been assigned a fixed offset. By storing the offsets relative to the token start index, the DFA representation of lexer actions which appear in the middle of tokens remains efficient due to sharing among tokens of the same length, regardless of their absolute position in the input stream.</p>

<p>If the current executor already has offsets assigned to all position-dependent lexer actions, the method returns {@code this}.</p>

@param offset The current offset to assign to all position-dependent lexer actions which do not already have offsets assigned.

@return A {@link LexerActionExecutor} which stores input stream offsets for all position-dependent lexer actions.

class LexerActionExecutor
int offset
