1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
3  * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
4  * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
5  */
7 module antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRErrorListener;
9 import antlr.v4.runtime.InterfaceParser;
10 import antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException;
11 import antlr.v4.runtime.InterfaceRecognizer;
12 import antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNSimulator;
13 import antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNConfigSet;
14 import antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA;
15 import antlr.v4.runtime.misc;
17 /**
18  * How to emit recognition errors.
19  */
20 interface ANTLRErrorListener(U, V)
21 {
23     /**
24      * Upon syntax error, notify any interested parties. This is not how to
25      * recover from errors or compute error messages. {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy}
26      * specifies how to recover from syntax errors and how to compute error
27      * messages. This listener's job is simply to emit a computed message,
28      * though it has enough information to create its own message in many cases.
29      *
30      * <p>The {@link RecognitionException} is non-null for all syntax errors except
31      * when we discover mismatched token errors that we can recover from
32      * in-line, without returning from the surrounding rule (via the single
33      * token insertion and deletion mechanism).</p>
34      *
35      *  @param recognizer
36      *         What parser got the error. From this
37      * 		  object, you can access the context as well
38      * 		  as the input stream.
39      *  @param offendingSymbol
40      *        The offending token in the input token
41      * 		  stream, unless recognizer is a lexer (then it's null). If
42      * 		  no viable alternative error, {@code e} has token at which we
43      * 		  started production for the decision.
44      *  @param line
45      * 		  The line number in the input where the error occurred.
46      *  @param charPositionInLine
47      * 		  The character position within that line where the error occurred.
48      *  @param msg
49      * 		  The message to emit.
50      *  @param e
51      *        The exception generated by the parser that led to
52      *        the reporting of an error. It is null in the case where
53      *        the parser was able to recover in line without exiting the
54      *        surrounding rule.
55      */
56     public void syntaxError(InterfaceRecognizer recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line,
57                             int charPositionInLine, string msg, RecognitionException e);
59     /**
60      * This method is called by the parser when a full-context prediction
61      * results in an ambiguity.
62      *
63      * <p>Each full-context prediction which does not result in a syntax error
64      * will call either {@link #reportContextSensitivity} or
65      * {@link #reportAmbiguity}.</p>
66      *
67      * <p>When {@code ambigAlts} is not null, it contains the set of potentially
68      * viable alternatives identified by the prediction algorithm. When
69      * {@code ambigAlts} is null, use {@link ATNConfigSet#getAlts} to obtain the
70      * represented alternatives from the {@code configs} argument.</p>
71      *
72      * <p>When {@code exact} is {@code true}, <em>all</em> of the potentially
73      * viable alternatives are truly viable, i.e. this is reporting an exact
74      * ambiguity. When {@code exact} is {@code false}, <em>at least two</em> of
75      * the potentially viable alternatives are viable for the current input, but
76      * the prediction algorithm terminated as soon as it determined that at
77      * least the <em>minimum</em> potentially viable alternative is truly
78      * viable.</p>
79      *
80      * <p>When the {@link PredictionMode#LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION} prediction
81      * mode is used, the parser is required to identify exact ambiguities so
82      * {@code exact} will always be {@code true}.</p>
83      *
84      * <p>This method is not used by lexers.</p>
85      *
86      * @param recognizer the parser instance
87      * @param dfa the DFA for the current decision
88      * @param startIndex the input index where the decision started
89      * @param stopIndex the input input where the ambiguity was identified
90      * @param exact {@code true} if the ambiguity is exactly known, otherwise
91      * {@code false}. This is always {@code true} when
92      * {@link PredictionMode#LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION} is used.
93      * @param ambigAlts the potentially ambiguous alternatives, or {@code null}
94      * to indicate that the potentially ambiguous alternatives are the complete
95      * set of represented alternatives in {@code configs}
96      * @param configs the ATN configuration set where the ambiguity was
97      * identified
98      */
99     public void reportAmbiguity(InterfaceParser recognizer, DFA dfa, int startIndex, int stopIndex,
100                                 bool exact, BitSet ambigAlts, ATNConfigSet configs);
102     /**
103      * This method is called when an SLL conflict occurs and the parser is about
104      * to use the full context information to make an LL decision.
105      *
106      * <p>If one or more configurations in {@code configs} contains a semantic
107      * predicate, the predicates are evaluated before this method is called. The
108      * subset of alternatives which are still viable after predicates are
109      * evaluated is reported in {@code conflictingAlts}.</p>
110      *
111      * <p>This method is not used by lexers.</p>
112      *
113      * @param recognizer the parser instance
114      * @param dfa the DFA for the current decision
115      * @param startIndex the input index where the decision started
116      * @param stopIndex the input index where the SLL conflict occurred
117      * @param conflictingAlts The specific conflicting alternatives. If this is
118      * {@code null}, the conflicting alternatives are all alternatives
119      * represented in {@code configs}. At the moment, conflictingAlts is non-null
120      * (for the reference implementation, but Sam's optimized version can see this
121      * as null).
122      * @param configs the ATN configuration set where the SLL conflict was
123      * detected
124      */
125     public void reportAttemptingFullContext(InterfaceParser recognizer, DFA dfa, int startIndex, int stopIndex,
126                                             BitSet conflictingAlts, ATNConfigSet configs);
128     /**
129      * This method is called by the parser when a full-context prediction has a
130      * unique result.
131      *
132      * <p>Each full-context prediction which does not result in a syntax error
133      * will call either {@link #reportContextSensitivity} or
134      * {@link #reportAmbiguity}.</p>
135      *
136      * <p>For prediction implementations that only evaluate full-context
137      * predictions when an SLL conflict is found (including the default
138      * {@link ParserATNSimulator} implementation), this method reports cases
139      * where SLL conflicts were resolved to unique full-context predictions,
140      * i.e. the decision was context-sensitive. This report does not necessarily
141      * indicate a problem, and it may appear even in completely unambiguous
142      * grammars.</p>
143      *
144      * <p>{@code configs} may have more than one represented alternative if the
145      * full-context prediction algorithm does not evaluate predicates before
146      * beginning the full-context prediction. In all cases, the final prediction
147      * is passed as the {@code prediction} argument.</p>
148      *
149      * <p>Note that the definition of "context sensitivity" in this method
150      * differs from the concept in {@link DecisionInfo#contextSensitivities}.
151      * This method reports all instances where an SLL conflict occurred but LL
152      * parsing produced a unique result, whether or not that unique result
153      * matches the minimum alternative in the SLL conflicting set.</p>
154      *
155      * <p>This method is not used by lexers.</p>
156      *
157      * @param recognizer the parser instance
158      * @param dfa the DFA for the current decision
159      * @param startIndex the input index where the decision started
160      * @param stopIndex the input index where the context sensitivity was
161      * finally determined
162      * @param prediction the unambiguous result of the full-context prediction
163      * @param configs the ATN configuration set where the unambiguous prediction
164      * was determined
165      */
166     public void reportContextSensitivity(InterfaceParser recognizer, DFA dfa, int startIndex, int stopIndex,
167                                          int prediction, ATNConfigSet configs);
169 }