1 moduleantlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntSet;
2 3 /**
4 * TODO add interface description
5 */6 interfaceIntSet7 {
8 9 /**
10 * @uml
11 * Adds the specified value to the current set.
12 *
13 * @param el the value to add
14 *
15 * @exception IllegalStateException if the current set is read-only
16 */17 publicvoidadd(intel);
18 19 /**
20 * @uml
21 * Modify the current {@link IntSet} object to contain all elements that are
22 * present in itself, the specified {@code set}, or both.
23 *
24 * @param set The set to add to the current set. A {@code null} argument is
25 * treated as though it were an empty set.
26 * @return {@code this} (to support chained calls)
27 *
28 * @exception IllegalStateException if the current set is read-only
29 */30 publicIntSetaddAll(IntSetset);
31 32 /**
33 * @uml
34 * Return a new {@link IntSet} object containing all elements that are
35 * present in both the current set and the specified set {@code a}.
36 *
37 * @param a The set to intersect with the current set. A {@code null}
38 * argument is treated as though it were an empty set.
39 * @return A new {@link IntSet} instance containing the intersection of the
40 * current set and {@code a}. The value {@code null} may be returned in
41 * place of an empty result set.
42 */43 publicIntSetand(IntSeta);
44 45 publicIntSetcomplement(IntSetelements);
46 47 publicIntSetor(IntSeta);
48 49 publicIntSetsubtract(IntSeta);
50 51 privateintsize();
52 53 publicboolisNil();
54 55 publicboolopEquals(Objectobj);
56 57 publicintgetSingleElement();
58 59 publicboolcontains(intel);
60 61 publicvoidremove(intel);
62 63 publicint[] toList();
64 65 publicstringtoString();
66 67 }