Constructs a new instance of the {@link PredicateEvalInfo} class with the specified detailed predicate evaluation information.
The result of evaluating the semantic context {@link #semctx}.
The alternative number for the decision which is guarded by the semantic context {@link #semctx}. Note that other ATN configurations may predict the same alternative which are guarded by other semantic contexts and/or {@link SemanticContext#NONE}.
The semantic context which was evaluated.
The invoked decision number which this event is related to.
The configuration set containing additional information relevant to the prediction state when the current event occurred, or {@code null} if no additional information is relevant or available.
The input token stream which is being parsed.
{@code true} if the current event occurred during LL prediction; otherwise, {@code false} if the input occurred during SLL prediction.
This class represents profiling event information for semantic predicate evaluations which occur during prediction.
@see ParserATNSimulator#evalSemanticContext
@since 4.3